RJ-P on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rj-p/art/Derpy-Hooves-Mail-Call-367073258RJ-P

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Derpy Hooves - Mail Call



In earlier versions of the Desktop Ponies program, not many ponies used the animation ability of dropping things on your screen behind them (if I recall correctly, only Applejack did at the time). I thought this was largely underutilized so I got the idea of having Derpy fly around your screen all the while having various letters fly out of her mail bag and litter your screen. I was hoping that it would be a cute thing she would do that would just make you want to say lovingly "oh, Derpy..."

Original template by :iconmonkeyjay:
Made for Desktop Ponies.
Image size
106x96px 16.63 KB
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